1895 CLUB
To mark their centenary in 1995, 53 golf clubs worldwide agreed to form the ‘1895 Club’.
All members of these Clubs are offered reciprocal rights to play golf – for free! Many Surbiton members have taken advantage of this arrangement and have played as far away as New Zealand and Australia as well as in Europe, The Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and the British Isles.
Members wishing to play at an 1895 course, should book in advance through our office who will then contact the host Club Secretary – they should not turn up unannounced. A letter of introduction and a handicap certificate are required, and players should abide by the host Club’s dress code. Playing numbers should not be excessive and regular visits to the same Club should be avoided.
Some Clubs have restrictions regarding how many visitors can play at any one time and do not allow play at weekends and bank holidays, so it’s always best to contact the Club first to avoid disappointment.